Academics and Research
To provide a tangible showcase of my work, I’ve included a portfolio of my most recent projects. Take a moment to explore below, and reach out if you’re interested in learning more about what I have to offer.

Invited Lectures
This is your project description. Whether your work is based on text, images or a different medium, a summary provides helpful context. Don’t forget to showcase your project in the media section or include a link.

“Dentigerous Cyst of Maxillary Sinus” at National IAOMR PG Convention 2014 at Bangalore, India
“Age Estimation using Panoramic Radiographs” at IAOMR National Conference
“Imaging Re-imagined” at 27th National IAOMR Conference at Hyderabad, India
“Taurodontism” at 1st All Kerala Dental Students Conference at Nedumbassery, India

Continuing Education Programmes
Mastering the Oral Radiographs
Medical Issues in Dentistry
Mucocutaneous Lesions: A Glimpse Through the Expert’s Eye
Apical Periodontitis
Head and Neck Supportive Oncology
Clinical Photography and Imaging (Photocon)
Basics and Recent Advances in Hematological Diagnoses
Pain and Palliative Medicine
Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
CBCT in Maxillofacial Radiology
Radiology and Oral Diagnosis
Lectures on Implantology
Successful Aesthetic Restorations
Prosthodontia as a Capsule
FDI-IDA CDE Programme 2011
National Oral Health Program on “Bright Smiles, Bright Futures”

Conferences & Workshops
25th National IAOMR Conference
National IAOMR Post Graduate Convention
Preconference Workshop on CBCT
26th National IAOMR Conference
13th National Triple ‘O’ Symposium
27th National IAOMR Conference
IDA Kerala State Dental Conference 2011
Golden Jubilee Student Convention 2009
1st All Kerala Dental Students Conference 2008
1st South India Dental Conference 2005
National IAOMR UG Conference 2016